A Diamond Lesson

The four "C's" of diamonds are very important in
evaluating diamond's value.
The better these four characteristics are, the more valuable the
diamond. However, the most important "C" is CONFODENCE in your
jeweler. Make sure the person you are dealing with is trained and
experienced in this field. Go to a reputable Gemologist.
Stop by for a free "Diamond Lesson" where we will teach you not
only the four "Cs", we will show you loose diamonds, let you look
at them with a microscope instead of looking at them with a loupe.
A loupe takes a trained eye to see flaws, where a microscope has
a light and helps you see the diamond clearer.
- Exercise caution and remember there is usually no such thing
as a bargain with diamonds.
- Finally, remember as a rule, you only get what you pay for
or less.
Give us a call to make an appointment to come by Hilton Village Goldsmith
for a free "Diamond Lesson"